Attract more customers to your website The 3rd tip for a more efficient website: the objectives

No. 3 of 3 important tips: Carefully define the objectives of your website.
Be aware of the objectives of your website and aim at meeting the expectations of your visitors.
- Objective of a webshop: convert visitors into customers
- Objective of an informative website: offer info to visitors as efficiently as possible
- Make sure that your contact information stands out!
Alongside main objectives, your website can also have secondary objectives, also keep these in mind
- Visitors who request additional information via email,
- Visitors who subscribe to a newsletter,
- Visitors who pass on your website address to contacts through social media.
You are a wholesaler of plumbing equipment and your customers are professionals (target audience) with little time for and/or experience with computers and the internet.
- Avoid moving and non-pertinent images, they are distractive (keep it simple)
- Make sure your visitors can find what they are looking for in a few clicks (objective)
- Commercial info is incidental, technical info is more important (objective)
- Your customers are professionals that understand and appreciate the use of jargon (target audience)
Next blog post: structure of your website: 3 layers